Tuesday, August 28, 2012

all kinds

I think it’s important to surround yourself with all kinds of friends. ones who listen and let you vent. sweet, wise grandparent friends. friends who become family. friends who are family. the ones who always leave you peeing-in-your-pants-laughing. friends who tell you the truth, even when you don’t want to hear it. youthful, care-free kid friends. friends who stay up late with you. ones who motivate you. active, inspiring friends. and friends who sit on the couch with you all day long as you laugh at Friends episodes both of you have already seen. The list goes on and on and on… but you get the gist.

Last night when I got home, I had an unexpected surprise waiting for me in my mailbox from a thoughtful friend, one who sends surprise “just because” packages in the mail (yep, add that one to your friends list, too!) :)  a tiny, light pink, scalloped hand-written note accompanied two cute, mini-Anthro initial magnets from my dear, best friend, just what I needed on that Monday evening. thanks, friend, for making my day!!

{images: my iPhone}

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