Monday, August 13, 2012


Remember this “24 Before 25” post? Well I thought it was time to do a little check-in to make sure I am staying on track to accomplish my goals before the end of November rolls around!! Here’s my progress so far…

24 Before 25
1. Make homemade pasta.
2. Plan Mount Rainier climbing trip with dad :)
3. Host a "friends-giving"
4. Keep fresh flowers in our casa.  Fresh flowers have officially made it on my weekly grocery list!
5. Send snail mail to dear friends who live far away. Sent three postcards off just a few weeks ago: two to SF and one to Chicago :)
6. Go to the beach at least once a month. This post is proof, plus we have plans to go again this weekend. Yay!
7. Run Bay to Breakers and hope this inspires me to sign up and train for a half marathon. I’ll consider this half completed, as we successfully finished Bay to Breakers in May and I have been running up a storm, but no official training for a half marathon… yet!
8. Spend a weekend in Arizona, visiting Lar! Nothing has been booked, but as soon as Lar is back at school and has her schedule, you can bet I will be checking out those Southwest flights.
9. Get a bike and take bike rides. So so excited for the beach cruiser I got yesterday from Target - rode along the strand for the first time and loved it :) :) :)
10. Roast a chicken (it's shocking that I have never done this before!).
11. Update this little blog about three times per week. Check, check, check.
12. Rent Woody Allen movies.
13. Enjoy an outdoor concert!
14. Go to a Giants game.
15. Plan a bridal shower for my newly engaged best friend <3 No official date set, but the planning has begun and my mom and I have some fun tricks up our sleeves!
16. Make a Christmas budget. Every month I have started to put aside some extra dough $ for the holiday season.
17. Put my little mini grill to better use.
18. Treat myself to a few new magazine subscriptions! I am now the excited recipient of Martha Stewart Living, Oprah, and US Weekly – woo!
19. Go wine tasting in Napa with Kimmy and E.
20. Recognize at least one thing I am thankful for every. single. day. Have been making a conscious effort daily to take a few moments before bed every night and list three things I am grateful for.
21. Host a wine and cheese night for my girlfriends. We enjoyed bruschetta and the most delicious olives I ever tasted. And we celebrated a dear friend’s new job over champagne last week, as well.
22. Go on a girls weekend with my momma. We didn’t exactly go away anywhere, but we did enjoy a wonderful weekend just the two of us, full of manicures and pedicures, a great haircut, our favorite restaurant, and lots of snuggling on the couch!
23. Learn how to make a fun header for my blog. Still slacking on the creative header, however the blog did under-go some slight remodeling and if I do say so myself, so far so good.
24. Make this ice cream cake. Will be making later this month for a special 25th birthday bash!!

So it looks like I still have a bit of work to do in order to get everything crossed-off my list in time... I better get this cullo (that's Italian for rear-end) in gear!!! 

{image via here}

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